Why separatists Inna and Serhiy Yevtyaginy have not yet entered the NSDC sanctions list

NSDC sanctions against citizens and legal entities of the Russian Federation began to be introduced in Ukraine starting from March 2014. As of June 2023, 8,919 individuals and 5,755 companies were included in the sanctions lists of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.
Despite the fact that this number is constantly growing, some citizens of the Russian Federation not only continue to stay peacefully on the territory of Ukraine, but also conduct business, undermining the defense capability of our country.
Decree of the President of Ukraine dated December 23, 2023 No. 851/2023 put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine "On the application and introduction of changes to personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)" against a number of legal entities and individuals. Among others, Yevtyagin Serhiy Fedorovych, born on November 1, 1968, a citizen of Ukraine and a citizen of the Russian Federation, was sanctioned. And also the company controlled by him - "Favorite Group Trading House" LLC, which is registered in the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region in the city of Yenakieve.
As of today, Serhii Yevtyagin is outside of Ukraine. However, his wife and son, who also actively cooperate with the aggressor country and have citizenship of the Russian Federation, were not sanctioned by the NSDC for unknown reasons... Journalists learned from their own sources that Serhiy Yevtyagin is currently trying to corrupt relevant state structures and remove sanctions from himself prematurely There are reasons to assume that it was by this method that Yevtyagin Sr. was able to ensure that sanctions were not imposed on members of his family and their business. For now.
At the disposal of the journalists were photos of the documents of the wife and son of Serhiy Yevtyagin - Inna Mykolaivna Yevtyagina, born on February 14, 1969. and Yevtyagin Serhiy Serhiyovych, born on July 28, 1988.
All three passports of citizens of the Russian Federation were obtained after the occupation of Crimea in the cities of the peninsula.
However, these documents are not the only thing that connects the Yevtyagin family with the aggressor country.
According to the NSDC, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, citizens of our state Serhii Fedorovych Yevtyagin, Inna Mykolaivna Yevtyagina and Serhii Serhiyovych Yevtyagin "contrary to the interests of Ukraine, the territorial integrity and independence of our state, for useful reasons in the interests of the aggressor state of the Russian Federation, on a permanent and paid basis cooperated and continue to cooperate with the Russian special services, the military, private business and the criminal justice system of the Russian Federation."
According to the agency, the family searches for and passes on secret information of the Ministry of Defense, the Main Directorate of Intelligence and the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Sahaidachnoy about the military-political situation in the country, inform the Russian curators about the activities of strategically important objects of the Military Industry and the protective measures taken by the Defense Forces of Ukraine to repel the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the mentioned persons carry out entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Ukraine, which is directly related to their business in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk region and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, thereby financing the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
According to the NSDC, Serhiy Fedorovych and Inna Mykolaivna Yevtyaginy, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, have been constantly traveling outside Ukraine in order to plan and carry out further subversive activities in favor of the aggressor country. In particular, Inna Mykolaivna crossed the border of Ukraine 13 times in the period January 2022-February 2023, her husband in the same period - 15 times.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the enterprises of Inna Yevtyagina, located in the Kyiv region, carried out activities for money laundering and financing of armed aggression against Ukraine, provided the Russian invaders with provisions, food and fuel from their fuel and lubricants warehouses, thereby providing an opportunity for the Russian military continue the offensive in the direction of Kyiv.
As of February 10, 2023, Inna, Yevtyagina's son and father crossed the border of Ukraine in the direction of Hungary (there is information that the family is currently on the territory of Poland), in order to carry out further subversive activities and carry out current financing directed to the further escalation of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
Yevtyagin Serhiy Fedorovych
So, Serhii Yevtyagin Sr. is a native of Vugleghirsk, Donetsk region.
He is a former deputy of the Yenakiyiv City Council from the currently banned Party of Regions. Serhii Yevtyagin is a user of the Russian social network VKontakte, which is banned in Ukraine. As of 2019, Serhiy Yevtyagin was the owner of the company "Accent Center" in Kyiv. According to data on this company, it was then registered in the city of Vugleghirsk, in the Bakhmut district of the Donetsk region. This settlement was already under occupation at that time. Currently, the owner of "Accent Center" is another person, and the company is registered at a different address.
According to regional mass media, Yevtyagin is the owner of illegal pits in the villages of Bulavinka and Olkhovatka in the Donetsk region. Local residents and they call him the son-in-law of a criminal authority from Yenakievo, they also say that Yevtyagin financed the construction of the central temple of the UOC-MP in Vugleghirsk already after the occupation of the city. However, these data cannot be considered official, so let's get down to the facts.
Yevtyagin Serhiy Fedorovych is the founder of seven enterprises. These are Maksim Farming (Brovarsky District, Kyiv Oblast), Promekoinvest LLC (Dnipro), Favorite Group Trading House (Trostianets, Sumy Oblast), Akcent-Center LLC (Kyiv), Sigma Si LLC (Yenakievo, Donetsk region), Business Lex Plus LLC (Kyiv), Financial Service Center LLC (Kyiv) and UTK No. 1 LLC (Kyiv). Yevtyagin is also a beneficiary of Stimul Financial Company LLC (Kyiv).
After analyzing information from open registers, it became known that Yevtyagin S.F. has connections and conducts business activities in the so-called occupied territory "DPR". According to the "Unified State Register of Legal Entities" Yevtyagin S.F. is the founder of LLC "Torgovy dom Favorit Group" (the main activity is wholesale trade). In addition, it was established that a legal entity with a similar name - "Favorit Group Trading House" LLC, Yevtyagin S.F. was also the founder of the aforementioned legal entity. Currently, the founder and authorized person is "countryman" Yevtyagina, a native of Vuglegorsk, Donetsk region, Gubarev Viktor Vasylyovych, born on July 23, 1984. There are reasons to believe that Yevtyagin S.F. and still controls LLC "TD Favorite Group" (Trostyanets, Sumy region).
Until 2017, Oleksiy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko, born on April 6, 1981, was the director of "Favorite Group Trading House" LLC. As of 2023, the above-mentioned person is the director of "Favourite Group Trading House" LLC (DPR). Oleksiy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko, a native of Yenakieve, Donetsk region, conducts business in the occupied territories, registered himself as an "individual entrepreneur" on 17.01.2023 and is the director of LLC "SK Rusych" and LLC "Torgovyy dom favorit grupp". The founder of LLC "SK Rusych" is Yevtyagin's mother S.F. – Yevtyagina Tetyana Ivanivna, born on September 5, 1944. According to posts on the social network, the woman supports the policy of the aggressor state.
Evtyagina Inna Nikolaevna
The wife of Serhiy Yevtyagin Sr. Inna is registered as an individual entrepreneur (type of activity – retail trade outside stores). She owns 2.5 hectares of land in the Buchan district of the Kyiv region (ownership was acquired on July 22, 2021). Inna Yevtyagina has corporate rights to three enterprises - LLC "Amtek Trade" (registered in Kyiv in 2015), LLC "Ukragro-Invest LTD" (registered in Brovary district of the Kyiv region in 2016) and LLC "AVS Prodakt" (registered in capital in 2016). The type of enterprise activity is wholesale trade in meat and meat products, cultivation of grain and industrial crops.
Inna Yevtyagina is registered as a private entrepreneur on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to open registers, Evtyagina I.M. conducts business activities in the temporarily occupied territory of the Republic of Crimea, in particular, he is the director and founder of Koktebelsky Priboy LLC (Feodosia). The aforementioned Decree of the President of Ukraine dated December 23, 2023 No. 851/2023 also imposed sanctions on this company. However, not at Inna Yevtyagina personally, but only at her company.
Yevtyagin Serhiy Serhiyovych
Serhii Yevtyagin, Jr. is the owner of Food Podakt LLC (Bataisk, Rostov region of the Russian Federation) and Crimean Wine and Vodka Holding LLC (Chervonogvardiyske, occupied Crimea).
Serhiy Serhiyevich is also the manager and beneficiary of Panorama LLC (registered in the city of Sochi, Russia). The co-owner of the company is his wife Yevtyagina Olena Anatolyivna, born on March 9, 1986, and she is also the co-founder of the above-mentioned LLC Crimean Wine and Vodka Holding. Elena Yevtyagina is the owner of other companies registered in the occupied territories and in Russia. She also has a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Evtyagina Vladyslava Serhiivna
Yevtyagina V.S. Born on February 15, 2000 - the daughter of Serhiy Yevtyagin Sr. is the founder and beneficiary (50%) of SHAHTA PETRIVSKA LLC, registered in Kharkiv. According to family tradition, Vladyslava Yevtyagina also has a passport of the Russian Federation. Serhii Yevtyagin's daughter attracted the attention of the media at least twice. As a classic representative of the "golden youth", in 2019 and 2023 she was a participant in high-profile traffic accidents in the capital.
According to journalists, in one of the incidents the girl was intoxicated, and in the other she caused an accident involving eight cars. It is noteworthy that Vladyslava's father, Serhiy Yevtyagin, was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for the offense provided for in Part 1 of Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Exceeding the speed limit by drivers" traffic and violations of other traffic rules".
The Yevtyagin family also appears in the database of the "Peacemaker" center. In particular, Serhii Yevtyagin Sr. himself, his son and wife.
Despite the sanctions, Serhii Yevtyagin Sr. continues to do business in Ukraine. In particular, according to data from open registers, he is the current founder of two companies registered in the territory controlled by Ukraine. This is farm "MAKSYM" in Brovary district and "BUSINESS LEX LUX" LLC in Kyiv. In addition, his company SIGMA SY LLC is successfully operating in the temporarily occupied territory of the so-called "DPR" (Yenakievo). Do not forget about LLC "Favorit Group Trading House" (in Sumy Oblast) and its "clone" in "DNR", which was discussed above. The above-mentioned enterprises are still operating successfully, so questions arise: are the NSDC sanctions effective against Serhiy Yevtyagin Sr.?
Sources in the National Security Council report that Yevtyagin's son and wife are currently on sanctions lists that have not yet been approved. So why haven't sanctions been imposed on Inna Yevtyagina and Serhiy Yevtyagin Jr.? Serhii Yevtyagin, Jr., a former SBU employee, uses his own connections to avoid this. Yevtyagin Sr., who, as mentioned above, uses material resources for this purpose contributes a lot to this.
One gets the impression that law enforcement agencies simply ignore the illegal activities of the Yevtyagin family, turning a blind eye to the fact that outright separatists and traitors to the state are quietly conducting business and economic activities on the territory of Ukraine... However, the decision to impose sanctions on Inna Yevtyagina and Serhiy Yevtyagin Jr. and their businesses should be taken urgently. This is, without exaggeration, a matter of national security.
По теме
Первый заместитель главы Национальной полиции Максим Цуцкиридзе совершил рабочую поездку в прифронтовую зону, где встретился с личным составом стрелкового батальона полиции особого назначения ГУНП в Донецкой области.
За три года полномасштабной войны тысячи украинских военных получили ранения, многие из них – чрезвычайно тяжелые. Но благодаря ответственной помощи патриотического бизнеса сотни защитников смогли не только выжить, но и вернуться к активной жизни.
Более 80 выпускников высших учебных заведений Министерства внутренних дел Украины пополнили подразделения полиции Полтавской области.
Вчера, 14 марта, по улицам Киева прошло шествие в честь Дня украинского добровольца. Объединённые националистические силы почтили тех, кто в самые трудные времена встал на защиту Украины. Участники марша подчеркнули, что добровольцы – это сердце нации, её несгибаемый дух и живая память, которую невозможно стереть.
Украинские защитники получили мощное подкрепление на колесах – 130 новых квадроциклов были переданы для нужд Сил Обороны Украины. Эту масштабную передачу техники организовал Максим Шкиль, владелец дорожно-строительной компании Autostrada. Лёгкие вездеходы способны быстро доставить бойцов и грузы туда, где не пройдёт тяжёлая техника, а значит – спасти жизни и ускорить выполнение боевых задач.
Министр внутренних дел Игорь Клименко сообщил, что теперь разрешения на оружие доступны в приложении «Дія» наравне с другими официальными документами. Это решение стало частью цифровизации разрешительной системы и евроинтеграционных реформ.
Антикоррупционные органы Украины продолжают активную работу по экстрадиции коррупционеров, которые пытаются избежать правосудия за границей. Несмотря на сложности, связанные с войной, НАБУ и САП сотрудничают с международными партнёрами, чтобы обеспечить неизбежность наказания для фигурантов коррупционных дел.
Засновник компанії Autostrada Максим Шкіль уже три роки системно підтримує ініціативи, спрямовані на лікування та реабілітацію поранених захисників України. За цей час він передав понад 100 мільйонів гривень патронатній службі “Янголи”, яка допомагає військовим повернутися до повноцінного життя.
Три года назад наша страна столкнулась с одним из самых тяжелых испытаний в своей истории. Враг пришел на нашу землю с огнем и мечом, пытаясь сломить нашу волю, стереть культуру и уничтожить саму суть украинской нации. Но он не учел главного — украинцев, которые, несмотря на все обстоятельства, встали на защиту Родины.
Руководитель Национальной полиции Украины Иван Выговский и Министр внутренних дел Украины Игорь Клименко провели встречу с Министром внутренних дел Республики Молдова Даниэллой Мисаил-Никитин, которая прибыла с официальным визитом в Украину.
Новости «Общество»
Первый заместитель главы Национальной полиции Максим Цуцкиридзе совершил рабочую поездку в прифронтовую зону, где встретился с личным составом стрелкового батальона полиции особого назначения ГУНП в Донецкой области.
За три года полномасштабной войны тысячи украинских военных получили ранения, многие из них – чрезвычайно тяжелые. Но благодаря ответственной помощи патриотического бизнеса сотни защитников смогли не только выжить, но и вернуться к активной жизни.
Более 80 выпускников высших учебных заведений Министерства внутренних дел Украины пополнили подразделения полиции Полтавской области.
Вчера, 14 марта, по улицам Киева прошло шествие в честь Дня украинского добровольца. Объединённые националистические силы почтили тех, кто в самые трудные времена встал на защиту Украины. Участники марша подчеркнули, что добровольцы – это сердце нации, её несгибаемый дух и живая память, которую невозможно стереть.