Endocrinologist-nutritionist Olena Davydenko talked about the peculiarities of the meat diet

пн, 07/08/2024 - 17:01
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Endocrinologist-nutritionist Olena Davydenko shared all the features of the meat diet, or as it is called the "Carnivore" diet, and talked about the intricacies of its observance and features that other doctors do not talk about.


A meat diet or "Carnivore" diet can be useful and help people with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes (it helps to normalize glucose and insulin levels), people with idiopathic allergies and autoimmune conditions.

To follow this diet, you should have NO problems:

•⁠  ⁠with the mucous membrane of the stomach, therefore it is the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach that produce pepsin, the main enzyme for splitting protein;

•⁠  ⁠with the pancreas - because you need enough pancreatic enzymes to digest meat, otherwise you will have a whole bunch of side effects - including bloating, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms;

•⁠  ⁠with a gall bladder - because bile is involved in the processes of fat digestion and proper protein assimilation;

•⁠ With the kidneys - an excess of proteins provokes increased work of the kidneys, which is necessary to remove the products of their decay - nitrogenous wastes. And if there is any kidney pathology, then they cannot cope with their excretion and accumulate in the blood, and then the pressure rises, headache and these are just flowers.

It is important to know your heart and blood pressure levels - because this diet can increase tachycardia, increase blood pressure - due to the high saturated fat and sodium content, again, be aware of the stress on the kidneys and how the kidneys are related to blood pressure, and you should not be deficient and especially not have malabsorption syndrome (when small intestinal digestion and transport of nutrients are already impaired).

You can learn more about the disadvantages of a meat diet at the following link:


Cons, which are rarely talked about (because the effect of weight loss is in trend, and this diet contributes to it). Common side effects:

•⁠  Cramps - This diet disrupts the electrolyte balance and contributes to the loss of minerals, especially magnesium and potassium, which can lead to muscle cramps. Therefore, you should replenish yourself with dietary supplements and not only magnesium, but also vitamin C, potassium, fiber, in short, everything we get from vegetables and fruits.

•⁠  ⁠On the background of a deficiency, there may also be hair loss, insomnia, brittle nails, and menstrual cycle disorders. Again, these side effects can be managed. Supplementing yourself.

•⁠ Constipation and problems with the intestines - there is no fiber, the main source of which is carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables and grains), respectively, there are problems with the work of the intestines, with the microflora.

Since the diet involves a high level of consumption of saturated fats, accordingly, there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, with corresponding consequences in the form of arterial hypertension, strokes, heart attacks and other troubles. Vegetable fats, unlike animal fats, have protective properties for the cardiovascular system.

But also not all, but to a greater extent omega-9 contained in olive oil, macadamia oil, walnuts, avocados, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds. It is worth noting that the latter contain quite a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. As for omega-3 fatty acids, for men, they unfortunately have an increased risk of prostate cancer. They are presented in large quantities and are advertised as dietary supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But in this case, a caveat should be made: it is safe for women.

My position on this diet is for a balanced diet!

For online consultations and treatment with a therapist-endocrinologist, nutritionist Olena Davydenko, please contact:

Telegram: @dr_davydenko

WhatsApp: +380 67 466 42 19

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