An endocrinologist informed about the causes of increased appetite

вт, 10/15/2024 - 11:16
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Olena Davydenko, a qualified endocrinologist, nutritionist, and nutritionist with many years of experience, talked about the most common causes of increased appetite.

As the doctor indicates, the appetite can be increased for natural reasons and be of a temporary nature or be pathologically increased - when the feeling of satiety does not occur even after a sufficient amount of food and this happens regularly/constantly.

Pathological causes of increased appetite:

Lack of insulin hormone (with diabetes) or cell resistance to this hormone. In both cases, the cells do not receive the glucose they need, starve and send a signal to the body, which manifests itself in the form of increased appetite.

Increased synthesis of thyroid hormones or hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, thyrotoxicosis). In this case, increased appetite is a consequence of increased synthesis of thyroid hormones and hypermetabolism.

Hyperprolactinemia — an elevated level of the hormone prolactin can lead to weight gain and increased appetite. The reason for this can be serious diseases of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus or as a result of other diseases, for example, polycystosis.

Excess testosterone in women can also cause excessive appetite and male-type (belly) fat deposits.

Chronic stress and excess cortisol stimulate appetite, especially for quick sources of energy, simple carbohydrates. They quickly increase the level of glucose, which provides a short-term influx of energy and activates the pleasure centers in the brain, which temporarily weakens stress reactions and emotions.

Melatonin deficiency. Not only sleep depends on melatonin, but also the production of many hormones that affect appetite - it lowers the level of ghrelin (hunger hormone) and increases the level of leptin - the hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety, reduces appetite.

Helminth infection. Parasites that infect the intestines can both decrease and increase appetite, as well as affect taste preferences.

Depression. During depression, both a complete lack of appetite and a constant feeling of hunger are possible. It depends on which part of the brain is activated and, unfortunately, it is impossible to control.

More useful information about losing weight and maintaining body balance:

For individual consultations with endocrinologist Olena Davydenko, contact:

Telegram: @dr_davydenko

WhatsApp: +34 696 88 45 83

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