In which cases you can take collagen - doctor
Experienced endocrinologist, nutritionist, therapist, nutritionist Olena Davydenko talked about collagen supplements and in which cases it can be taken.
As the doctor notes, everyone knows about the benefits of collagen, but little is said about the fact that not everyone and always it can be useful. Olena Davydenko points out that such a complex protein as collagen is not so "safe".
First, collagen supplements contain an amino acid called hydroxyproline, which the body metabolizes into oxalate. When the system is overloaded with oxalates, they can stick together and form crystals (kidney stones), so people who have kidney disease or diseases that affect kidney function (chronic urinary tract infection, metabolic disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcer colitis) should refrain from taking collagen or take it after consulting a doctor.
Secondly, in case of impaired bile flow, taking collagen can lead to crystallization of bile in the bile ducts.
Thirdly, with inflammatory diseases of the liver, collagen accumulates and hardens around the tissue of the organ (I described this briefly and crudely, but the point is the same), and as a result contributes to even greater inflammation. Such excessive deposition of collagen can later lead to fibrosis and even cirrhosis.
Experienced endocrinologist, nutritionist, therapist, nutritionist Olena Davydenko talked about collagen supplements and in which cases it can be taken. taking collagen can promote thrombus formation in people with thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, because collagen affects blood coagulation and promotes sticking (activation and aggregation) of platelets to each other, that is, it promotes the formation of thrombus. In a healthy body, such aggregation has a protective adaptive nature, but when there is already a disturbance in the work of the vascular system, it can lead to a pathological effect.
If, for the above-mentioned diseases, taking collagen is necessary for some reason, then it should be taken in a short course and under the supervision of a doctor.
More useful information about losing weight and maintaining body balance:
For individual consultations with endocrinologist Olena Davydenko, contact:
Telegram: @dr_davydenko
WhatsApp: +34 696 88 45 83
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Новости «Здоровье»
Evening overeating and night trips to the refrigerator are a common problem for many who want to lose weight. Shifting the main meal to the evening negatively affects health, reduces the effectiveness of diets and leads to weight gain.
Вечернее переедание и ночные походы к холодильнику — это распространённая проблема многих, кто стремится похудеть. Смещение основного приёма пищи на вечернее время негативно влияет на здоровье, снижает эффективность диет и приводит к набору веса.
Врач-эндокринолог, нутрициолог, диетолог, терапевт Елена Давиденко рассказала зачем и как снижать уровень инсулина в крови. Как указывает врач, инсулин не является диагностическим параметром с точки зрения сахарного диабета и метаболического синдрома, но он важен для эндокринологов, как маркер углеводного обмена.
Olena Davydenko, a qualified endocrinologist, nutritionist, and nutritionist with many years of experience, talked about the most common causes of increased appetite.