The doctor advised how to get rid of evening overeating (Video)
Evening overeating and night trips to the refrigerator are a common problem for many who want to lose weight. Shifting the main meal to the evening negatively affects health, reduces the effectiveness of diets and leads to weight gain.
In her new video, the doctor-therapist-endocrinologist and nutritionist Olena Davydenko talks about the causes of this problem and offers solutions for each case.
Why do we eat at night?
Evening overeating has many reasons. This can be:
Uneven distribution of food during the day. Skipped breakfast or insufficient lunch often leads to increased hunger in the evening.
Emotional overeating. Stress, fatigue or a bad mood can stimulate the desire to eat even without real hunger.
Lack of healthy habits. Lack of a clear diet or excessive access to “harmful” food.
Physiological factors. For example, disturbances in the level of hormones responsible for appetite can increase hunger in the evening.
What to do to get rid of the habit of eating at night?
1. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day.
Do not skip main meals: breakfast, lunch and snacks. This will help to avoid hunger until the evening.
2. Control your emotional state.
Learn to recognize emotional hunger. If you feel stressed, try to replace food with other ways of relaxation: a walk, meditation or a hobby.
3. Follow a diet.
Make a clear meal schedule and stick to it. Have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, and avoid eating in bed or in front of the TV.
4. Monitor the quality of your diet.
Include proteins, healthy fats and slow carbohydrates in your diet. This will help you feel full longer.
5. Limit access to “harmful” foods.
Do not keep chips, sweets and other high-calorie snacks at home that tempt you at night.
If you find it difficult to control yourself, pay attention to behavioral therapy techniques. This can be keeping a food diary, planning a diet or establishing certain “rules” in nutrition. In some cases, natural sedatives or special supplements that help regulate appetite will help (after consulting a doctor).
Leave your questions and comments under the video, and the doctor will definitely answer them.
To make an appointment with endocrinologist Olena Davydenko, contact us via Telegram: @dr_davydenko
or WhatsApp: +380 67 466 42 19
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По теме
Endocrinologist Olena Davydenko said that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday approved the drug Zepbound, created by Eli Lilly. This medication became the first approved for certain groups of patients with sleep apnea, and is also an effective means for weight loss.
Врач-эндокринолог Елена Давиденко рассказала, что Управление по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами США (FDA) в пятницу одобрило препарат Zepbound, созданный компанией Eli Lilly. Этот медикамент стал первым, утвержденным для определенных групп пациентов с апноэ сна, а также эффективным средством для снижения веса.
Вечернее переедание и ночные походы к холодильнику — это распространённая проблема многих, кто стремится похудеть. Смещение основного приёма пищи на вечернее время негативно влияет на здоровье, снижает эффективность диет и приводит к набору веса.
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Новости «Здоровье»
Endocrinologist Olena Davydenko said that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday approved the drug Zepbound, created by Eli Lilly. This medication became the first approved for certain groups of patients with sleep apnea, and is also an effective means for weight loss.
Врач-эндокринолог Елена Давиденко рассказала, что Управление по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами США (FDA) в пятницу одобрило препарат Zepbound, созданный компанией Eli Lilly. Этот медикамент стал первым, утвержденным для определенных групп пациентов с апноэ сна, а также эффективным средством для снижения веса.
Вечернее переедание и ночные походы к холодильнику — это распространённая проблема многих, кто стремится похудеть. Смещение основного приёма пищи на вечернее время негативно влияет на здоровье, снижает эффективность диет и приводит к набору веса.
Experienced endocrinologist, nutritionist, therapist, nutritionist Olena Davydenko talked about collagen supplements and in which cases it can be taken.