Why it is not possible to lose weight, despite the efforts made, the nutritionist-endocrinologist explained (Video)

ср, 04/17/2024 - 23:07
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The endocrinologist explained why it is not possible to lose weight even with conscientious efforts and what to do in such situations.

"Diets and regular training will not help to get rid of extra pounds if there is a hormonal imbalance in the body," says doctor-therapist-endocrinologist, nutritionist Olena Davydenko.

According to the doctor, in such patients, under conditions of calorie restriction, against the background of sufficient or increased physical activity, the weight falls well at first, but during the year the body adapts to survival in the conditions of restriction, and in the second year, the weight either stands still, or decreases slightly and through a short period of time returns. The fact is that in this case, excess weight is not associated with an energy imbalance, but with a hormonal imbalance, and now more and more people have hormonal problems that prevent them from achieving their goals. Therefore, you should start work on getting rid of extra pounds with the restoration of the hormonal background, notes endocrinologist Olena Davydenko.

First of all, the doctor recommends checking the level of hormones, such as insulin and cortisol. The higher the insulin level, the greater the weight and the harder it is to lose it. Such people are diagnosed with insulin resistance. To increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin and the bonus of appetite suppression, weight loss, depending on the clinical status, patients with insulin resistance are prescribed either drugs with metformin, or with semaglutide, or with tirzepatide.

The doctor tells more about it in the video:

But not only insulin is to blame for excess weight and insulin resistance. Cortisol, a stress hormone, reduces the sensitivity of insulin receptors and provokes a chronic increase in insulin. The higher its level, the thicker the waist. Therefore, in addition to correcting the diet, even before you decide on the treatment of insulin resistance with drugs, start working on stress, on reducing cortisol. And here you will be helped (who likes it better): yoga, meditation, various methods of activating the parasympathetic system, etc.

Regardless of the weight loss method you choose (with or without drugs), the doctor recommends taking in parallel:

* Gamma-aminobutyric acid (also known as GABA or GABA) - it not only reduces the effect of excitatory hormones, helps the nervous system to relax, but also increases the production of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a hormone that suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss. its synthetic counterpart is used in well-known weight loss products such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and ZEPBOUND.

* 5-Hydroxytryptophan (also known as 5-HTP) is an amino acid involved in the synthesis of serotonin. Mood, sleep, and appetite depend on it. It has been proven that serotonin deficiency affects eating behavior, people are drawn to sweets - high-carbohydrate food increases the concentration of serotonin in the brain. So, by taking 5-NTR, we are giving the body a natural building protein to make our own serotonin, as well as the bonus of melatonin, as 5-NTR normalizes sleep.

* Magnesium glycinate - does not directly affect weight, but it participates in glucose metabolism, reduces the excitability of neurons, enhances the effect of GABA on nerve cells and, accordingly, contributes to the reduction of cortisol.

* Inositol (also known as vitamin B8) - regulates blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of diabetes.

The doctor noted that not only insulin, cortisol and melatonin are involved in gaining excess weight and the inability to lose it. If you have thyroid or reproductive problems, these regimens and medications may not work for you. Therefore, you should first undergo an examination to understand what malfunctions exist in the body, and then choose a drug and a treatment protocol. Everything is individual and independent, do not experiment on your health.

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