Obama is running with Harris and is supporting her in the elections - Rezazade

пт, 07/26/2024 - 12:11
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Vice President of the Iranian Opposition in Washington (NIC) Ali Reza Rezazade points out that the great President Barack Obama is inevitably supporting his most recent presidency i Kamala Harris. After the nomination of Joe Biden, Harris was stunned, and Barack Obama began to regularly talk to her and share his testimony with her.

Vice President of the Iranian Opposition in Washington (NIC) Ali Reza Rezazade points out that the great President Barack Obama is inevitably supporting his most recent presidency i Kamala Harris. After the nomination of Joe Biden, Harris was stunned, and Barack Obama began to regularly talk to her and share his testimony with her.

Obama did not stand out among the leading democrats to support Harris, but he especially supported her and checked Rosmov with the number of aides who, in his opinion, could help her. The former president stood aside for the first hour and did not accept Harris, since in this manner he wanted to show encouragement to his comrade Joe Biden at his important decision to leave office.

People close to Biden indicate that ten weeks before the decision was made on the introduction of wine, they began to regularly consult with Obama, having experienced a storm, and even respect that the assistants of the former president played a key role in this decision no.

“We will be navigating unchartered waters in the coming days, but I highly hope that the leaders of our party can create a process that will produce a prominent candidate,” Barack Obama says.

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Vice President of the Iranian Opposition in Washington (NIC) Ali Reza Rezazade reports that the issue of the withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza remains unresolved, due to a difference of opinion in the Israeli government.

5 сентября, 12:32
последние новости в Украине останні новини в Україні Новости мира

Вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) Али Реза Резазаде сообщает, что вопрос вывода ЦАХАЛА из Газы остается нерешенным, из-за расхождения мнений в правлении Израиля.

5 сентября, 11:58
последние новости в Украине останні новини в Україні Новости мира

The Vice President of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade, said in Washington that the United States had accused the leaders of Hamas of terrorism and conspiracy to kill Americans, and a criminal case had been opened in New York.

4 сентября, 12:01