Trump is a determined leader in protecting American interests – Rezazade

The leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, pointed out that President Donald Trump began his second term with an emphasis on key themes that have defined his policy from the very beginning.
In his inaugural address, he again emphasized the need to strengthen the economy, enhance national security and protect the interests of American citizens.
One of the main topics of Trump’s speech was the economy. He emphasized the importance of supporting American manufacturers, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. The previous Trump administration achieved significant success in reducing unemployment and growing stock markets, and the president is determined to continue this policy.
Trump also drew attention to the issue of immigration. He emphasized that protecting the borders is not only a matter of security, but also the protection of American workers and resources. The president stressed the need to complete the construction of a wall on the southern border and strengthen immigration controls to prevent illegal entry into the country.
An important point of the speech was the topic of national security. Trump again called for strengthening the military and expanding the international influence of the United States. He emphasized the importance of maintaining America's independence from external threats and ensuring stability on the world stage.
In addition, the president mentioned the investigations that were conducted against him and his administration. Trump stated that many of these investigations were politically motivated and aimed at discrediting his achievements. He emphasized that he would continue to protect his supporters from unfair attacks and work to restore justice.
Despite criticism, Donald Trump continues to be the voice of millions of Americans who support his "America First" policy. His determination to protect national interests, fight for economic prosperity, and strengthen security make him one of the most influential presidents of our time.
По теме
Ali Reza Rezazade, a leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC) and a member of the Iranian Freedom Institute (IFI), points out that US President Donald Trump has announced that he will impose a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports starting Monday.
Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) и участник Иранского Института Свободы (IFI) Али Реза Резазаде отмечает, что президент США Дональд Трамп заявил о введении с понедельника 25-процентной пошлины на весь импорт стали и алюминия.
The leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC) Ali Reza Rezazade pointed out that US President Donald Trump emphasizes unity, while remaining firm in his principles.
Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) Али Реза Резазаде отметил, что президент США Дональд Трамп подчеркивает важность единства, оставаясь при этом твердым в своих принципах.
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Египет, Иордания и страны Персидского залива категорически отказались поддерживать массовое переселение палестинцев.
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Вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указывает, что администрация Дональда Трампа продолжает кардинальные изменения в сфере внешней помощи США.
Vice President of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, said the US Secretary of State had accused USAID of not serving the country’s interests.
Вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указал, что госсекретарь США обвинил USAID в несоответствии интересам страны.
Новости «Новости мира»
Ali Reza Rezazade, a leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC) and a member of the Iranian Freedom Institute (IFI), points out that US President Donald Trump has announced that he will impose a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports starting Monday.
Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) и участник Иранского Института Свободы (IFI) Али Реза Резазаде отмечает, что президент США Дональд Трамп заявил о введении с понедельника 25-процентной пошлины на весь импорт стали и алюминия.
The leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC) Ali Reza Rezazade pointed out that US President Donald Trump emphasizes unity, while remaining firm in his principles.
Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) Али Реза Резазаде отметил, что президент США Дональд Трамп подчеркивает важность единства, оставаясь при этом твердым в своих принципах.