A war between Hezbollah and Israel could involve the US and Iran in hostilities – Rezazade

чт, 07/04/2024 - 12:46
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Ali Reza Rezazade, the vice president of the Iranian opposition in Washington, says that the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel could lead to a larger regional conflict that could involve Iran and the United States in hostilities.

Fears have been growing for months that the war in Gaza could spark a second front between Israel and Hezbollah, a well-armed group linked to Hamas based across Israel's northern border with Lebanon. Both sides have struck repeatedly since the start of the Gaza war, killing civilians in Lebanon and Israel, with the majority of civilian casualties in Lebanon. The fighting also forced more than 150,000 people on both sides of the border to flee their homes and temporary shelters.

Such circumstances put pressure on the Israeli government to once again make the north of the country safe for residents, pushing Hezbollah away from the border region.

What is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah opposes Israel and was founded in the 1980s, after Israel, in response to attacks, invaded and occupied southern Lebanon with the intention of rooting out the Palestine Liberation Organization then based in the country. But Israel soon faced a new enemy whose guerrillas quickly became effective and far better equipped than the Israeli forces.

What will the escalation of hostilities mean for Lebanon?

Lebanon can hardly afford a new conflict with Israel. The country is reeling from years of an economic crisis that has left countless Lebanese in poverty, and a political crisis that has deprived citizens of many basic services. Strikes at the border have displaced around 100,000 Lebanese civilians from their homes.

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