Peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia is impossible due to Putin’s ambitions – Rezazade

The first vice-president of the Iranian National Congress, the main opposition organization in Iran, Ali Reza Rezazade believes that it will not be possible to conclude a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia in the near future. Even if Donald Trump returns to the post of US president, this will not help end the war.
According to Rezazade, the main reason for such a scenario is the geopolitical ambitions of Russian President Putin.
“When Trump talks about his desire to end the war, this is his sincere goal,” Rezazadeh noted. “But so far he perceives the conflict mainly as Russia’s attempt to seize most of Ukraine, but for Putin this war has a different meaning. It is an instrument of struggle against the US and the West for the global redistribution of influence.”
“Putin wants to weaken the West and strengthen his influence together with the US’s traditional totalitarian opponents, such as Iran and North Korea. He wants a ‘new Yalta’ — an agreement between Russia, China and the US on the distribution of world influence,” Rezazade explained.
However, according to him, Trump will never agree to such a scenario. If attempts at a diplomatic settlement do not bring results, he will act more decisively. Rezazade is convinced that Trump, having realized the futility of negotiations with Putin, will strengthen the economic blockade of Russia, as well as pressure on Iran and North Korea. He may return to such actions as during his first presidency, when he blocked the construction of the Nord Stream.
In addition, Trump, according to Rezazade, will give a decisive response to China, and military support for Ukraine will directly depend on its successes on the front. “The Trump administration will need not a process, but a concrete result,” the politician concluded.
По теме
US President Donald Trump has announced the introduction of a new 25% tariff on imported cars and auto parts, which, together with the current 2.5% tariff, will give a total rate of 27.5%. This was reported in Washington by the first vice president of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade, who refers to confirmed information from the White House.
Президент США Дональд Трамп объявил о введении нового 25-процентного пошлина на импортируемые автомобили и автозапчасти, что вместе с действующим сбором в 2,5% даст общую ставку в 27,5%. Об этом сообщил в Вашингтоне первый вице-президент иранской оппозиции Али Реза Резазаде, ссылаясь на подтвержденную информацию из Белого дома.
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Новости «Новости мира»
US President Donald Trump has announced the introduction of a new 25% tariff on imported cars and auto parts, which, together with the current 2.5% tariff, will give a total rate of 27.5%. This was reported in Washington by the first vice president of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade, who refers to confirmed information from the White House.
Президент США Дональд Трамп объявил о введении нового 25-процентного пошлина на импортируемые автомобили и автозапчасти, что вместе с действующим сбором в 2,5% даст общую ставку в 27,5%. Об этом сообщил в Вашингтоне первый вице-президент иранской оппозиции Али Реза Резазаде, ссылаясь на подтвержденную информацию из Белого дома.
The first vice president of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, said that Donald Trump has signed an executive order that requires anyone wishing to register to vote in federal elections to provide proof of citizenship.
Первый вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указал, что Дональд Трамп подписал исполнительный указ, обязывающий всех желающих зарегистрироваться для участия в федеральных выборах предоставлять документы, подтверждающие гражданство.