Trump Opponents Condemn Massive Crackdown on Free Speech – Rezazade

пн, 03/03/2025 - 11:31
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Ali Reza Rezazade, an Iranian opposition leader in Washington, says President Donald Trump and his ally Elon Musk are positioning themselves as advocates of near-absolute freedom of speech, fighting for Americans’ right to speak out after years of liberals trying to silence conservative voices.

But since returning to power, Trump has launched what critics say is his own massive crackdown on free speech. Some of his measures have been aimed at rooting out diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) programs and so-called “radical gender ideology.” Other measures have targeted media organizations whose rhetoric the president dislikes. Opponents who criticize the administration have also been targeted.

The combination of these actions, critics and some judges say, not only shapes government discourse, but also threatens the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech.

“You can claim to be a defender of free speech and a supporter of free speech, but those claims don’t change the nature of the measures, which ultimately amount to government censorship,” says Michelle Deutschman, executive director of the National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement at the University of California, Davis.

One of Trump’s most high-profile moves has been to block DEI programs for federally funded organizations. The court recently ruled that the decision violated the First Amendment because it was designed to “punish and, apparently, destroy certain viewpoints.”

Another executive order bans schools nationwide from teaching “gender ideology” and “discriminatory equality ideology.” This draws similar criticism from free speech advocates, who argue that Trump has no right to punish local school districts for teaching ideas he doesn't like.

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Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указывает, что президент Дональд Трамп и его союзник Илон Маск позиционируют себя как сторонники почти абсолютной свободы слова, ведя борьбу за право американцев высказываться открыто после многолетних попыток либералов заглушить консервативные голоса.

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