Gabbard under fire, Patel gets support: US Senate hearings – Rezazade

The vice president of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, indicated that hearings were held in the US Senate yesterday on two key national security appointments.
Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who was nominated by Donald Trump to be the Director of National Intelligence, faced harsh criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. In contrast, Kash Patel, who was proposed to be the Director of the FBI, received Republican support, despite opposition from Democrats.
Senators have repeatedly pressed Gabbard, demanding a clear answer from her about Edward Snowden, who in 2013 revealed classified US government surveillance programs. They wanted to hear what she considered him a “traitor.” Hubbard acknowledged that Snowden had broken the law, but she also stressed that his actions exposed the government’s “illegal and unconstitutional programs.”
Democratic Senator Michael Bennett (D-Colorado) raised his voice, demanding a direct answer:
“Yes or no, is Edward Snowden a traitor to the United States?”
Hubbard tried to explain her position, but Bennett cut her off sharply:
“You obviously don’t understand that.”
Republicans also expressed their displeasure. Senator Todd Young (D-Indiana) noted in disappointment:
“It’s remarkable that you never said yes.”
In 2020, Hubbard introduced a bill that proposed to drop all charges against Snowden, which is now raising even more questions among senators.
Unlike Hubbard, Kash Patel, a 44-year-old lawyer and former national security official, has received warm support from Republicans. Patel, who helped Trump uncover possible abuses during the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, has become a favorite among conservatives.
Despite fierce opposition from Democrats, his confirmation as FBI director seems more likely than Gabbard’s chances of becoming director of intelligence.
Both candidates still need to be confirmed by the Senate. If Patel has a chance of getting the necessary support, the situation looks much more difficult for Gabbard, given her past views and her reluctance to prosecute Snowden.
Will Trump be able to lead his nominees? That will become clear in the near future.
По теме
Vice President of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, pointed out that President Donald Trump, during his address to Congress, again resorted to verified but inaccurate or distorted facts.
Вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указал, что президент Дональд Трамп во время своего обращения к Конгрессу снова использовал проверенные, но неточные или искаженные факты.
The first leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC), Ali Reza Rezazade, said that US President Donald Trump announced that 25 percent tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada will come into effect from Tuesday.
Первый лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) Али Реза Резазаде отметил, что президент США Дональд Трамп объявил, что с вторника начнут действовать 25-процентные тарифы на товары из Мексики и Канады.
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Лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указывает, что президент Дональд Трамп и его союзник Илон Маск позиционируют себя как сторонники почти абсолютной свободы слова, ведя борьбу за право американцев высказываться открыто после многолетних попыток либералов заглушить консервативные голоса.
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The first vice president of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, says the US Supreme Court has granted the Trump administration’s request to temporarily halt nearly $2 billion in foreign aid that the government was supposed to restore by midnight.
Первый вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указывает, что Верховный суд США удовлетворил запрос администрации Дональда Трампа и позволил временно приостановить выплату почти 2 миллиардов долларов иностранной помощи, которую правительство должно было возобновить до полуночи.
Новости «Новости мира»
Vice President of the Iranian opposition in Washington, Ali Reza Rezazade, pointed out that President Donald Trump, during his address to Congress, again resorted to verified but inaccurate or distorted facts.
Вице-президент иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне Али Реза Резазаде указал, что президент Дональд Трамп во время своего обращения к Конгрессу снова использовал проверенные, но неточные или искаженные факты.
The first leader of the Iranian opposition in Washington (NIC), Ali Reza Rezazade, said that US President Donald Trump announced that 25 percent tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada will come into effect from Tuesday.
Первый лидер иранской оппозиции в Вашингтоне (NIC) Али Реза Резазаде отметил, что президент США Дональд Трамп объявил, что с вторника начнут действовать 25-процентные тарифы на товары из Мексики и Канады.